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00 - 15 things to renember

1-At least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you .
2-At least 15 people in this world love you in some way .
3-The only reason anyone would ever hate you is bcz they want to be just like you .
4-A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone , even if they don.t like you .
5-Every ight .SOMEOANE. thinks about you before they go to sleep .
6-You mean the world to someoane .
7-If not for you , someoane may not be living .
8-You are special and unique .
9-Someoane that you don.t know even exists loves you ;x
10-When you make the biggest mistake ever , something good commes from it ;)
11-When you think the world has turned its back on you , take a look :
--------you most likely turned your back on the world
12-When you think you have no chace at getting what yo want :
--------you probally won.t get it , but if you blv in yourself , you probably sooner or later will get it .
13-Always renembr complements you recceved . Forget about the rude remarks :)
14-Akways tell someoane how you feel about them ; you will feel much better whn they know .
15-If you have a great friends , take the time to let then know that they.re greath ♥
. 15 things to renember
. 15 things to renember
. 15 things to renember
. 15 things to renember
. 15 things to renember
. 15 things to renember

Comments • 1

MalinaKissYou 26 November 2011  
→ :X
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