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00 - Be Confident - La La x

Perfection doesn.t exist (; ! . Be confident . Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to other and wishing to be something we aren.t ! Everybody has their own strenghts and weaknesses , and it is only when you accept everything you are -- and aren.t -- that you will truly succeed ! . ♥ ! The path is not straight ! :) ! . Mistakes need not be fatal ! ♥ . People are more important than achievements and possessions ! . Never stop doing what you care most about . ! . You will find love ♥
- Be Confident - La La x
- Be Confident - La La x
- Be Confident - La La x
- Be Confident - La La x
- Be Confident - La La x
- Be Confident - La La x

Comments • 1

MackenzieFoy 28 November 2011  
perfection .. hmm . :) perfect is who is the most imperfect.
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